
100% Ecocert - Cosmos approved clays
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All our clays are conform to the verification of raw materials approved for use in cosmetics products certified to the COSMOS/ Ecocert natural and organic cosmetic standard

Officially registered in animal nutrition

Animal production relies on the uses of appropriate and good quality nourishment. Additives are substances that, when incorporated with the animals food, can influence in favorably their caracteristics. Authorization of thoses additives relies on a prior evaluation, and their favorable effect on the charateristics of the nourishments and animal production, and of the absence of a negative impact on animal and human health. Since January 1st 2006, antibiotics additives with a growth effect factor are banned in the food supply of foodstuff producing animals. European regulation (CE) 1831/2003 states the authorization conditions and the use of additives in animal nourishment.

ABM company is approved by the french government as an active establishment offically registered in animal nourishment under regulation FR 83071001.